Duncan James

Duncan James

Duncan James has revealed that he was forced to sell the house that he bought for him mum to help pay his debts.

It was revealed last week that James - member of the hit boyband Blue - has been declared bankrupt. And he has had to make some difficult decisions as he tries to ease his money problems.

Speaking to The Sun he said: "I bought a house for my mum, I bought a house for my ex-partner and my daughter and I spent about £1million on my home.

"I've always wanted to give my loved ones roofs over their heads and make sure they were taken care of, so that's what I did.

"Unfortunately - and I was far from the only person hit by it - the property crash came and I lost a lot of money. And now I've had to sell the home I bought for my mum.

"And that's been the most heartbreaking part for me. I so wanted to take care of her. But now she's living in rented accommodation and I do my best to help her with it, but I can't like I used to."

James shot to fame back in 2000 when he joined band Blue; a group that went on to have a string of hit singles and album.

James will be back out on the road with the boys this month as they set out on their first headline comeback tour.

And James admits that he is relieved that his bankrupcy woes are now out in the public.

"In some strange way, it's actually a relief to have been declared bankrupt. It means I can start again. Before I went bankrupt, I had been trying to pay off loans for years and felt as if I was a hamster in a wheel in a test tube with water slowly being poured inside.

"I felt like I kept going and going and trying and trying, but water kept coming in and I was drowning. So finally, the water's just been poured in and people who should have given a s**t didn't and I've drowned. But at least now I've got a chance to start again."

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