Hailey Bieber has claimed devils and demons are "terrified" of her.

Hailey Bieber

Hailey Bieber

The 22-year-old model - who, along with her husband Justin Bieber, is a member of the Hillsong Church - has defended her decision to celebrate Halloween, an annual holiday often thought to be associated with Paganism which is celebrated each year on October 31, after fans accused her of being a "fake Christian".

Taking to her Instagram account, Hailey wrote in a since-deleted posted: "I'm a Christian. Do you have any idea what that means historically?

"It means I redefine everything in culture. Pagan Feast of Winter Solstice? Oh that's now JESUS BIRTHDAY. Pagan Feast of Spring Planting? Oh that's now EASTER WEEKEND.

"Pagan Celtic Festival involving dressing up and warding off evil spirits? Oh now it's ALL SAINTS DAY and we celebrate the VICTORIOUS CHURCH THAT HAS BEEN OVERCOME BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB!!! CANDY PLEASE!!!

"I'm not afraid of the world. I'm not afraid of any devil or demon or incantation. They are terrified of me. Halloween is now MY HOLIDAY and I am claiming all candy for the glory of God and the celebration of the Saints. What now? I'll dress up however I like! My favorite characters, pop culture stuff, whatever. It's my party and you're invited. I'm alive today and a Saint tomorrow. Give me candy. (sic)"

This isn't the first time Hailey has been forced to defend her decision to take part in the spooky holiday as earlier this week she was slammed with criticism when she asked fans what she should dress up as on October 31.

One fan asked: "Arn't u Christian? (sic),"

To which she responded "Yes. I still dress up for Halloween."

Another fumed: "FAKE CHRISTIAN."

And she wrote back: "Our kids are gonna celebrate too (sic)," referencing the children she is planning on having with her husband Justin, 25, in the future.