All: Paul

FF:(laughs) Why do you say Paul?

C: Paul’s from Jersey.

K: Yeah, Paul’s from Jersey.

FF: Are they notoriously good fighters in Jersey?

K:Paul’s just a good fighter.

S:No, I wouldn’t even say that. I mean, between the two, I would probably bet on Paul, but I’d get in the ring with both of them.

FF:Really? And win?

S:Yeah (laughs)

FF: Candice are you anything like your character in the Vampire Diaries series because she’s quite girly and organised, she has her head screwed on are you anything like that?

S: It’s spot on.

C:(laughs) Everyone else seems to think there’s a lot more similarities everyone’s like ‘yeah there are’. There are a lot of similarities I guess, it’s terrifying. It’s the weirdest kind of therapy, it’s really odd.

FF: It must make it easier to play your character?

C:But it’s also terrifying cause then you’re like ‘wait is that really me?’ it’s good and bad.

FF: Kat, you’re next movie is Honey 2, was it good for you to combine acting and dancing into one film?

K: Yeah it was a lot harder than I thought it was, I was like ‘oh I’ve been a dancer for so long this will be a breeze’ and I was dying , it was so hard.

It was so difficult but I’m really proud of the film and how it turned out, I think it’s way better than the original, and I’m really thrilled.

FF: Do you think it’s better because it has yourself in it?

K: (laughs) No, no I think it’s grimier and I think the advantages are the choreography is different and the storyline is different. I like grimier things like that and I think the stakes are higher in this film than the original.

FF: Steven, what’s next for you, have you got anything planned?

S: No just doing a couple of classes right now, but no nothing, just waiting for that next project I’m passionate about.

FF: And Kat, after Honey 2 what will you be doing?

K: Just wrapping up the album and doing a bunch of shows in LA, hopefully filming a couple of things and doing some video’s then heading back to shoot season 3 of Vampire Diaries.

FF: Candice, how about you, what are your plans?

C:Well I obviously will be back for season 3 of The Vampire Diaries, but until then I’m taking my hiatus to be a hippy hobo and I’m going to travel Europe for a month.

The script for season 3 of The Vampire Diaries has just finished its write-up and the show should appear on our screens at the end of this year, and we at FemaleFirst can’t wait to get our teeth into it!

Vampire Diaries: Season 2 is out on DVD now.

FemaleFirst Cara Mason