When you dream about clay- it demonstrates that there is an area of your life you’d like to change if it were possible to do so.

Dream Interpretation on Female First

Dream Interpretation on Female First

Think about the things that you aren’t happy with in your life and consider what you could do differently to transform them into something you are proud of.

More positively, a dream about clay is symbolic of your creativity. Perhaps you haven’t been nurturing this side of yourself lately and need to refocus on the creative pursuits that make you happy. The dream could be telling you do push yourself harder with your creations if they have the potential to do more for you.

Another interpretation of clay is your ability to adapt to any situation in your waking hours. If this is something you are good at- continue- however the dream could be highlighting to you that you lack this ability and need to work on it. If you aren’t flexible right now, it could benefit you to bend your personal rules a little.

Negatively, you may be someone who works things to your advantage and the dream could act as a warning to you that you won’t make friends this way. This might be acceptable every now and again, however if you do this consistently, you may get a reputation that you can’t shake.

Perhaps you are in a position of influence and you have the ability to shape someone for the better.

If the clay was hard in your dream- it’s possible you feel you are powerless in a situation in your waking life. If this is the case, it might be time to accept that nothing further can be done and move on.

If you were digging up clay in your dreamscape you may have an issue in your life that you don’t want to deal with because it’s too difficult to face. It’s possible you are looking at the problem as a whole and need to break it down into manageable chunks.

Source: www.dreambible.com

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