

One of the most critically-acclaimed comic book franchises of all time debuts for the first time ever on Blu-ray Disc (BD) when the X-Men Trilogy arrives from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment UK on 20 April 2009. 

Directed by Bryan Singer (The Usual Suspects, Valkyrie) and Brett Ratner (Rush Hour, Red Dragon), the X-Men saga – X-Men, X-Men 2 and X-Men: The Last Stand – chronicles the ongoing battle between humans and mutants and their attempt to coexist. 

Professor Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart; “Star Trek: The Next Generation”) must lead the well-known mutant heroes Wolverine (Hugh Jackman; Australia), Storm (Halle Berry; Die Another Day, Monster’s Ball) Cyclops (James Marsden; Superman Returns, 27 Dresses) and Rogue (Anna Paquin; The Piano) to fight against evil villains and use their powers for the good of mankind.

Available for the first time in high-definition - with pristine clarity and uncompressed, lossless English HD 5.1 DTS audio - the six-disc X-Men Trilogy set on Blu-ray Disc ensures the viewer will receive the best available picture and dynamic audio quality as experienced in theatres.

The BD collection incorporates Picture-in-Picture and the latest revolutionary BD Java technology – which allows innovative and interactive bonus views giving the viewer (through different coloured buttons on their remote control) the choice of how they’d like to enjoy the movie experience at anytime throughout the viewing.

These views incorporate behind-the-scenes footage, commentaries, stills and production notes into one unique and enhanced interactive experience.  Plus, be the first to experience an explosive, complete scene in high definition from the highly anticipated upcoming film X-Men Origins: Wolverine debuting in theatres on 29 April.

The six disc X-Men Trilogy set – X-Men, X-Men 2 and X-Men: The Last Stand - is loaded with more than 11 hours of special features including deleted and extended scenes, documentaries, cast and crew commentaries, making-of featurettes and will be available for a suggested retail price of £39.99.


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