Don't Be Afriad of the Dark DVD

Don't Be Afriad of the Dark DVD

Written by legendary filmmaker Guillermo Del Toro and directed by comic book artist Troy Nixey, Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark is a remake of the 1973 ABC made-for-television horror film of the same name that starred Kim Darby.

Something ancient and evil is alive in the darkness beneath the Blackwood Mansion.

When young Sally Hurst (Bailee Madison: Just Go With It) arrives in Rhode Island to visit her father Alex (Guy Pearce: Animal Kingdom) and his new girlfriend (Katie Holmes: Batman Begins) at the Victorian mansion they are restoring, she already feels like an outsider and her ornate new home seems a cold and unwanted prison.

Finding comfort and escape in her solitary exploration of the property, and despite the warnings of the caretaker Mr. Harris (Jack Thompson: The Good German), Sally embarks on an adventure that leads to the discovery of a hidden basement, undisturbed since the mysterious disappearance a century earlier of the mansion’s builder, famed nature illustrator Emerson Blackwood.

Once the private studio of Blackwood, the dark and dank underground chamber houses the secrets of the past of this unstable and unholy place, and perhaps something even more sinister.