Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan's Bodyguard On The Hunt For Kicking Paparazzi....

Lindsay Lohan's new tough-guy bodyguard is on the hunt for a pushy photographer who kicked the actress during a Halloween (31Oct07) fracas in an underground parking garage.The Mean Girl star's mean guy, an ex-Israeli Army soldier, chased away the kicker after he attacked Lohan as she left a Beverly Hills restaurant - and then asked other snappers to identify the man.When they couldn't, the bodyguard asked one to find out who the guy was and tell him, "I want to meet him personally" The mystery bodyguard has been by Lohan's side for weeks and has established a fearsome reputation among the paparazzi regulars who follow the actress all over Los Angeles.As he barged his way through the paparazzi army waiting for his boss, he declared, "Everyone in my way is gonna be pushed" But he added to Lohan's misery as he accidentally closed the door of her black Suv on her injured leg, prompting the actress to yelp.Seconds before, Lohan cried, "Ow, I got kicked in the leg," after her bizarre attack.Once she was safely in the car, the actress' minder stormed off after the kicking cameraman, fuming, "Who was that?"

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