Lohan In And Out Of Jail Before Lunchtime....

Lindsay Lohan has served just over 80 minutes in jail in relation to her two drink-driving arrests in Beverly Hills, California and nearby Santa Monica in May and July (07).The actress checked in to the Lynwood jail in California on Thursday morning (15Nov07) - and was out by lunchtime, according to website tmz.The jail is the same one that both Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie served time in earlier this year for driving offenses.Lohan was initially sentenced to serve four days behind bars in August (07), after pleading guilty to two of the seven misdemeanour charges against her, but a judge cut that in half and ordered her to carry outt 10 days of community service instead. The actress began her community service with the American Red Cross on Monday (12Nov07).A further day was taken off the jail sentence because of time Lohan has already served during her arrests.The star - who spent much of the summer (07) in rehab at Utah's Cirque Lodge facility - was told she had to complete her prison sentence by January (08).

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