Lindsay Lohan Champagne Slip

Lindsay Lohan Champagne Slip

Lindsay Lohan was been caught on camera drinking champagne from a bottle. The actress, who was jailed earlier this year for drink driving was spotted drinking at a bash in Italy. Lindsay Lohan had been making great progress since her spell in rehab, although, in recent reports she's said to have replaced her drink and drug addictions with pleasures of the flesh. Back in October Britain's Sun Newspaper reported, Lindsay said to her time in rehab, which began after she was arrested for drink driving offences and possession of cocaine, was a "humbling" and "sobering" experience. She said: "It made me look at myself, and all of the people, places and things in my life in a different way. I was in there for substance abuse, after all." However, she could easily find herself on a slippery slope after succumbing to the temptation of alcohol again. Blair Berk, Lindsay's lawyer, told US website TMZ: "The good news was that Lindsay stopped herself that night, called her sponsor, and got herself immediately back on track. "There is no magic cure here. The most unfortunate part of this is that Lindsay has to share her 'one day at a time' with the entire world."

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