Picture Credit: Sucker Punch
Picture Credit: Sucker Punch

It may be little over a year since the original release of Sucker Punch’s incredible Ghost of Tsushima, but that doesn’t mean that the recently-unveiled Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut isn’t worth your attention. In fact, this is as essential a purchase for a PlayStation 5 owner as you can get.

For those who haven't had the chance to jump into the original game, now is the time to get involved. Enjoying both that, along with the Iki Island expansion, makes for an experience worth perhaps even more than the price tag.

This new collection of stories, characters and quests allows further character development for our brooding protagonist, Jin Sakai. He’s always been someone we would root for, but giving yet another layer of personality to him via further exploration of his past is something you’ve got to applaud.

Saying too much about the meat surrounding those bones would lead us into spoiler territory and water down the first-hand experience for new players and so, we will instead discuss the introduction of PlayStation 5 features that elevate the immersion of players within this expansive open world.

Picture Credit: Sucker Punch
Picture Credit: Sucker Punch

Haptic feedback continues to impress, delivering an extra dose of realism whenever your sword strikes against that of your enemy, or you gallop through the lush environment with gusts of wind blasting through your hair. The trigger resistance when drawing back on your bow, for example, is also a welcome addition.

The speed of this release however, means that the graphics are for the most part, the same as those we saw on PlayStation 4. Some updates to menus have been made, allowing for easier manoeuvrability and the like, but the dynamic 4K at 60 frames-per-second remain in place.

It would have been nice to see the addition of ray tracing but, that wasn’t the case with this re-release and expansion. Lighting has for sure been improved upon, but further tech upgrades would have taken Director’s Cut to another level entirely.

If you were a fan of the original Ghost of Tsushima story, then you should absolutely take the opportunity to jump into this meaty expansion. Those who haven’t played before should also now make the jump.

Picture Credit: Sucker Punch
Picture Credit: Sucker Punch

Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut is available now for PlayStation 5. Female First were provided with a code for the game in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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