Apple mousse

Apple mousse

As much as it may be truthful that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, new research suggests that it invites the, sometimes unwelcome, dentist.

According to the King's College London Dental Institute, they found that eating apples can be up to four times more damaging to teeth than carbonated drinks.

They also discovered that some apples contain as much as four teaspoons of sugar.

The study, which tested 1000 men and women, revealed that people who ate apples were 3.7 times more likely to have dentine damage (the main structure of the tooth), while those that drank carbonated drink had no extra risk.

Professor David Bartlett, who led the study, says: "It is not only about what we eat, but how we eat it.

"Doctors quite rightly say that eating apples is good, but if you eat them slowly the high acidity levels can damage your teeth. The drinks most often associated with dietary erosion, particularly cola, showed no increased risk."

One suggestions is to eat your apple with milk or a piece of cheese as both contain calcium, which neutralises acid. Drinking water immediately after eating an apple will also help, washing away harmful effects.

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