No proper lady should be without a boudoir - the place where she gets herself ready and beautiful. Boudoirs aren't included in many houses anymore, and most of their functions are provided by the bathroom, though not with nearly as much glamour. Give your bathroom some Victorian style grandeur, and turn it into a boudoir with our helpful hints.

Home and Garden on Female First

Home and Garden on Female First

Preferably, have your boudoir as an en-suite to your bedroom. It's probable not going to be possible to start some huge renovation work in your house and move your rooms around, but it would be best if your boudoir joins on to your room. That way, you can slink out into your bedroom in a towel, channelling Marilyn Monroe (if no one can see you, you can totally pretend you look like her).

Go for a French theme when decorating your boudoir, with plenty of roses and dusky pink wall. Achieve some romantic mood lighting with a dimmer switch - that way you can have it practical or sexy. 

Try to get some vintage decorations, such as a vanity set and sink. Make sure though that these items of furniture are protected against water and steam, otherwise they could get damaged in your bathroom.

Make sure there's also somewhere to do your make-up, with a big mirror so you can see how you look.

If your bathroom floor is parquet or tiled, put down a big rug in the middle of the room to achieve the boudoir look. Your boudoir should be warm and comforting, so you need somewhere soft to put your feet.

One you've got your boudoir looking the part, make sure it smells great too, with plenty of pot pourri in bowls around, and rose-scented candles. Just be careful where you put them, flames can be dangerous near where you're getting ready.