If your cupboard, garage or loft space is full to bursting with games of all shapes and sizes- there is no better time than the present to clear out the ones that don’t bring you joy anymore. If you are having difficulty deciding which to pitch and which to keep here are some helpful hints:

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Games you don’t play anymore: You may have enjoyed playing them at one time in your life but for whatever reason you never reach for this game or these games anymore. Perhaps you have outgrown it as a family or maybe you played it so many times it has lost its appeal. Time for someone else to get some pleasure from it during the remainder of its life.

Multiple games: If you have multiples of certain games like several packs of cards or sets of dominos, there is only need for one- so relieve your space of the excess. If your only one wears out though excessive use, you can always buy another when the time comes- for now you will probably be grateful of the extra room.

Games with missing pieces: If any of your games are missing an integral piece- you can’t play it anymore so it’s time to part ways with it and leave only the ones you can fully enjoy because they are complete.

Games you’ve never enjoyed playing: Perhaps there is a game in the pile that you played because your parents or grandparents did, but you’ve never taken a shine to it. If a game of Risk fills you with dread or you have no patience for Scrabble- leave only the ones that you get a kick out of opening up and playing with those you love.

Games that cause family spats: Every family has one game that brings out the worst in people. There are certain games that never end well- and if you know this in advance- it might be wise to vacate your home of the very thing that causes arguments between your folks.

Games you feel you should keep: You may have some games in your possession that you feel you should hang onto because they belonged to a family member who has passed or because it was the done thing in your family to have this particular game in your home. The fact is- games are meant to be played and if you know you will never grab this one from the pile again- give it to someone who will enjoy it. Perhaps someone else in the family would like it? It’s worth asking before you send it off to the charity shop or sell it.

Games that are small: A pack of cards or a travel sized game might not take up much room in your home- but if you never feel the desire to play with this item- its size is irrelevant. Get rid.

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