Cat Deeley

Cat Deeley

Cat Deeley is helping to support the amazing charity Cancer Hair Care, which provides unbelievable support to women suffering from hair loss due to cancer treatments. 

Watch the video below where she and the founder talk about the charity and people who have been supported by it give their insights. 

Not only is Cat supporting the charity but you can too, simply by adding some shampoo and conditioner to your weekly shop. 

Pantene Pro-V has created a limited edition pack across its Classic Care range to raise much needed funds for this small charity. By purchasing Pantene Pro-V Classic Care Shampoo or Conditioner, which features the Cancer Hair Care logo on pack, 5 pence will be donated directly to the charity.  They have just gone into store now, so everyone can do their bit to help; 1 pack = 1 donation.  This will help create new resources for women seeking information surrounding hair loss through Cancer treatment and will expand the charity’s reach nationwide.

Cat says: “Often one of the first things women think about when they’ve been diagnosed with cancer is losing their hair.  They believe it’s a symbol of their femininity and health, so to start losing it becomes a huge hurdle. Working with these lovely ladies made me realise how little help there was out there.  The work cancer Hair Care is doing, together with Pantene Pro-V’s support, is absolutely invaluable. I am so proud that as a part of my ambassador role, I am able to help promote awareness about this wonderful charity.”

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