You may feel bad, but you don't have to look it

You may feel bad, but you don't have to look it

Harley Street Dermatologist Dr Ariel Haus has some savvy skin saving tips to help rid you of hangover skin this season.

Party Trick: Look Red Hot Rather than Beetroot Red…

On your night out avoid going from outside to inside during the evening (so no sneaky ciggies!), as the temperature extremes may cause your vessels to contract and your skin to flare up like a beacon – not a great party look.  If you can squeeze it in your handbag, take a travel sized thermal water mist with you and spritz your face every hour and before you go out apply a vitamin C serum and anti-redness cream to protect your skin.

Hangover Skin:

1.  Rise and De-Shine…

The previous night’s excesses may well greet you the next day in the form of a greasy face. The interesting thing about skin is that it can react in the opposite way that we want!  So if you do wake with a face resembling an oil-slick don’t be too harsh with your removal process.  If you remove too much sebum it simply produces even more to replace it, so you must remove the grease gently.   I personally, recommend cleansing milk, rinsed off with warm water instead of with cotton pads or use La Roche-Posay Effaclar Purifying Cleansing Gel.

2. Morning After Glow

Getting your ‘glow-on’ is a sure fire way to avoid the hangover giveaways.  The key to luminous skin is the regulation of moisture.  My rule of thumb is:Other than make-up, a simple tip for brightening up morning-after skin is to simply massage the face using your fingers.  So apply your moisturiser in firm circular motions; this helps to bring the blood to the surface, leaving you with a rosy glow. Exfoliating is also great as it rids skin of dead skin cells and removing grease whilst the motion of exfoliating brings a glow to the cheeks.

Plump, fresh and dewy skin = Glowing healthy Skin            Dry, flaky skin = dull skin

To keep your glow all day, I recommend using Hyaluronic Acid Serum under your moisturiser, as it helps skin retain moisture (holds up to 1,000 times its weight in water).

3.  H2-Oh so Good:  Replenish Alcohol Parched Skin

If you suffer from dry skin the best way to tackle thirsty skin the morning after is to replace lost moisture that will have been sucked up by alcohol.  You can replace moisture both internally and externally by drinking plenty of mineral water and spraying skin with a good Thermal Water spray.  The next step is a quick exfoliation to eliminate the dead skin cells and any flakiness and finish with a moisturiser.

4. Party Peepers:  Eye Need Rest!

Your eyes do the talking and if bloodshot, panda eyes are common occurrences for you then have 2 chamomile tea bags wet and refrigerated on standby as these will be your saving grace once that alarm bell sounds!  Grab a 5 minutes snooze whilst these cool little heroes do their work on your eyes.

Relieve under eye bags by gently massaging the area: this helps disperse the fluid.  Use your index finger to massage in a circular direction from the brow, right round the eye until you reach the same point.  Do this eye-circuit at least 6 times.  To conceal dark circles I like Dermablend Quick Fix Concealer.

Treatment wise, I see dramatic result using a treatment called Carboxytherapy.  Tiny amounts of CO2 is delivered via an injection into the under eye skin.  It takes only 5 minutes and is virtually painless and risk free.  For me this is an all round winner.

5. Roll on the Weekend

If a radiance complexion is almost impossible for you to achieve without a helping hand then I recommend Dermaroller, a safe and effective micro-needling procedure that will encourage your skin to naturally regenerate and repair the skin- producing new collagen and new skin cells whilst blood supply to the skin is also enhanced. Optimal results will be visible after 6 weeks and the long lasting enhancement will give you a rejuvenated, refreshed natural gleam of your dreams. 

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