Ladies are ditching their lady grooming habits

Ladies are ditching their lady grooming habits

Ladies’ ‘intimate’ hairstyles are apparently increasingly going back to their natural roots, according to a new study. 

The survey revealed that the majority of women in the UK sport the ‘natural’ look when it comes to female grooming in the bikini area. In contrast, of those who do style their bikini region, Newcastle was revealed to be the Hollywood wax capital of the UK.

More than half of those questioned don't style or groom their pubic hair, mainly because they can't be bothered to keep up with grooming. While 30% just prefer the natural look. 

Furthermore, 62% of respondents who claimed to sport the ‘natural look’ admitted that their partner or sexual acquaintances ‘preferred the natural look.’

Those who did style/ groom the hair in their bikini region were asked how they did so, which revealed the following top results:

1)      Shave- 33%

2)      Bikini Wax- 27%

3)      Epilator- 19%

4)      Hair Removal Cream- 15%

5)      Laser Hair Removal- 6%

Of those who claimed to wax their bikini region, the ‘Brazilian’ was revealed to be the most popular style for 37%; meaning most hair is removed with a ‘landing strip’ left. The ‘basic bikini’ came in second place for 30% (a tidy around the edges of bikini line), whilst 19% opt for a Hollywood- meaning all hair is removed.

Furthermore, according to the results, ‘Newcastle’ is the Hollywood wax capital of the UK; with 35% of respondents claiming to sport one hailing from the Newcastle area. In contrast, the highest majority of those who claimed to sport the natural look, 21%, hailed from Glasgow.

Sarah Bailey of, who conducted the research, commented on the findings: “It was interesting to see that the majority of women in the UK are sporting the natural look ‘down there’, despite constant bombardments of new hair removal techniques or ‘vajazzling’ options. It’s clear that women aren’t afraid to sport whatever they most feel comfortable with, and with all the upkeep involved with ‘personal grooming’, it’s no surprise. There have been concerns raised about grooming raising the risk of infection, so we’d encourage any woman thinking of sporting the natural look to go for it. According to our results, partners and intimate acquaintances love it- so don’t be afraid to ditch the razor!”

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