What type of skin do you have?

What type of skin do you have?

Knowing your skin type is half the battle of maintaining a good complexion. Depending on which category you fall into, different products should be used to create a balance for healthy skin.


Dry skin is one of the most common types and can be one of the most problematic. There is nothing worse than applying your makeup, only to find that you are left with a patchy and uneven complexion. If you have this type of skin it will often feel tight and look dull, especially after washing. A great way to eliminate dry skin is to exfoliate once a week to remove any dead skin cells. Using a high intensity moisturiser, at night, and before applying your makeup will soften your skin and create a more flawless look. A few ways to help cure dry skin is to drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated, avoid using soap on your face and try applying sunscreen to protect your skin.


Having overly shiny skin is never a good look, so follow these ideas to create a shine-free complexion. If you have oily skin you most likely suffer with blemishes, due to excess oils and enlarged pores. Try using a toner to remove your makeup and make sure you get rid of the last traces, which will lead to blemishes. The target areas for oily skin are most commonly the forehead, nose and chin and these are the areas which need the most attention when applying products. It is best to choose an oil-free moisturiser and try to avoid face creams as this will make your skin more greasy. A positive side to having oily skin is that it will appear younger and remain supple.


As one of the most envied categories, normal skin is the easiest to maintain. This skin type is balanced, neither oily nor dry. If this describes your complexion, you will have smaller pores which will prevent breakouts and your skin will look radiant. If you are in this category it does not exempt you from treatments as it is important to maintain your normal skin. Regular cleansing and moisturising will help prevent your skin from edging into the dry or oily skin types.


Combination skin is the most common among women. Having both dry and oily skin requires a variety of different treatments depending on the specific sections of your face. The oily areas are often on your t-zone, which covers your forehead, nose and chin. Thorough cleaning in these areas will help prevent breakouts and a shiny complexion. The more dry areas, commonly your cheeks and around your eyes, will require a hydrating moisturiser and weekly exfoliation.


Sensitive skin can be very fragile and easily irritated by the elements or using fragranced products. When treating this type of skin, it is important to choose products which are perfume and alcohol free, as this will irritate the skin further. Sensitive skin can often be itchy and develop red, dry patches, so as with most skin types, it is important to moisturise regularly to avoid this and stop skin feeling tight and uncomfortable.

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