Jeans: Get the right fit

Jeans: Get the right fit

Have you ever wondered how many abandoned garments lay dorment in the back of wardrobes and hidden out of embarrassment in bottom of chest of drawers?

Well ladies it's time to face your fashion demons.

A survey conducted by highstreet store Peacocks has revealed that 60 million pairs of unwanted jeans lie lurking in the back of the nation's wardrobes. Apparently 52% of British women own at least two pairs of unused jeans. If we were to take all these jeans we could wrap them right around the Earth!

One in five women admitted to owning six pairs of jeans they no longer wear due to weight gain or loss as the main reasons for redundancy.

In light of this Pwacocks is holding a Denim Surgery in Marnchester Arndale's Exchange Court on Friday 3 June. Customers can step inside a state of the art 3D body scanning device and have hundreds of measurements taken within seconds so as to offer them the perfect fit of jeans for them - the store also plan to have its own surgery with scanners in selected stores next season.

Say bye-bye to all those straight cut, stone washed jeans from the 90s girls!

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