Marc Jacobs

Marc Jacobs

We knew Marc Jacobs had a lot of celebrity friends, Victoria Beckham and Anne Hathaway to name a few, but his friendship with Lil' Kim is news to us!

The pair are apparently such good friends that the designer has a painting that Lil Kim did while in jail hanging on his wall!

The rapper told StyleList: "He's one of my best friends and was actually a huge supporter when I was in prison. He wrote me every week!

"I decided to buy a colouring book - I'm a huge Bratz fan - and I painted the Bratz and made them all wear Marc Jacobs, and sent it to him. He blew it up and framed it, and now it's hanging in his house. So Marc Jacobs is the best."

Whatever next Amy Winehouse and Karl Lagerfeld having sleepovers and doing each others hair?!

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