Do you dress to impress at work?

Do you dress to impress at work?

Dressing for the office should consider practicality, comfort and style, but new research indicated that a third of women have dressed to appeal to co-workers.  

  • However half of men also admit to 'dressing to impress' in a similar attempt to further their workplace aims.

The study, undertaken by, polled 1,435 working adult men and women from around the UK as part of research into workplace interaction.

64% of female respondents admitted to using style of dress to their advantage in the workplace, and 58% also agreed. 

31% of women admitted that colleagues may have regarded their style to be provocative on occasion, whilst only 9% admitted to this. 

When asked what they regarded as a provocative style of dress, the top answer across both sexes was ‘revealing outfits’ at 57%.

George Charles of said:

“It’s understandable that when you’re at work you want to look the part. But you can probably expect a reaction if you stroll into a call centre dressed like Gordon Gekko. Men seem quick to confess to ‘dressing to impress’ but don’t regard that as being provocative.

“I don’t imagine it’s as straightforward as the cliché of trying to use a low cut top and a short skirt to your advantage, but there are certain approaches to dress that you can use to get people’s attention. And once you’ve caught the eye of your superiors, then the platform is there from which to demonstrate your talents.”

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