Eugene Lin Spring Summer 13

Eugene Lin Spring Summer 13

The Eugene Lin Spring Summer collection, named Judgement of Paris, was inspired by a Greek mythological tale; the contest between the three most beautiful goddesses of Olympos, each of whom tried to outdo each other to win favour with the Trojan mortal Paris.

Small details like the slits in the skirts, the twisted v-necks and the bodycon designs played on the sensuality of the theme.

The collection was made up of earthy tones, with flashes of deep raspberry and pale pink, calling upon the beauty of the Greek women.

The rust and mauve ethereal digital prints added depth to the uncomplicated silhouettes.

The outfits were polished and slick, which was only reinforced by Eugene Lin’s signature cutting techniques which resulted in figure skimming panelling.

The stand out piece from the collection has to be the deconstructed Trench Coat, seen in both khaki and beige, the trench was transformed into dresses and tops with asymmetrical outlines and irregular storm flaps.

Hair was kept sleek and sharp in simple ponytails with bold eyebrows and a just a little tangerine eyeliner; understated and modern.

Femalefirst Taryn Davies

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