Marc Jacobs SS09

Marc Jacobs SS09

Buying a hat this summer is one of those style investments you really can't afford to by-pass. There are some things you can give a miss (coloured leopard print, for example) but a fashionable hat? no, no, no.

Why our newly found interest in hats all of a sudden? Well, you can kind of blame milliner Stephen Jones for our latest obsession de jour, as his exhibition at the V&A has become the most successful show to date.

So if London's fashionistas are all checking out his hats on display, you know it's the start of a new trend. Not only that, but of course the SS09 catwalks were awash with an array of interesting hats.

Marc Jacobs capitalised on his oriental themed show by showing slanted straw hats, while Luella gave us some fabulous 40s inspired netted hats on her runway during London Fashion Week.

Of course Giles took his interpretation of the trend to the extreme by debuting Pac-Man helmets on his catwalk, while Eley Kishimoto made a style statement with their frilly swimming caps and netted hats on the runway.

Whichever way you look at it, hats and headwear are big news for the summer, so dig out your old cowboy hat to recreate the Western theme for the beach, or sample a big floppy wonder a la J-Lo to rock the sexy starlet look.

Personally we're a big fan of head scarves and headbands for the summer months ahead, so if you can't quite face the thought of having hat hair, then simply invest in one of these instead.

FemaleFirst- Laura Terry

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