Black twist neck maxi from River Island

Black twist neck maxi from River Island

Staple fashion items help to complete our wardrobe, they make up the basis and let us work a whole host of different looks around them. 

As we head closer to the summer weather it's time to start building up our summer wardrobe. 

This balck maxi dress is plain enough to be dressed up or down and isn't do boring to not make an impact. 

The twisted neck detail adds a little something to the dress to stop it from being forgettable. 

Wear with bright coloured wedges and layers of bangles for an evening look, cinch in your waist with a belt too. 

Or sandals and leather bracelets will translate this piece into an etheral daytime look. 

What will you pair with it?

Available from River Island, £35. 

Femalefirst Taryn Davies

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