Would you wear items for the style credentials?

Would you wear items for the style credentials?

Style doesn't come with choice apparently, as new research indicates that a fifth of women wear clothes just because they are fashionable, as opposed to actually liking them. 

According to the survery, conducted by myvouchercode.co.uk, peer presssure and the media play a part in influencing how we dress. 

It's hard to believe that women don't buy clothing according to taste, but would rather pick their style choices on what's 'in' at the moment. 

According to the research, the majority of respondents, 62%, admitted that they felt pressured to buy clothes that were fashionable, while 27% admitted that it depended on the event and the situation. 

Those respondents who admitted that they felt pressured into looking fashionable were then asked what in particular made them feel that way, to which 41% of respondents said that media and fashion magazines played a part, while 36% blamed their friends and 25% said their colleagues made them feel that way. 

Furthermore, when asked ‘Do you ever wear clothes that you dislike, purely because they are considered to be fashionable?’, the majority, 58%, said ‘yes’.

Mark Pearson, Chairman of MyVoucherCodes.co.uk, had the following to say about the findings:

“We have conducted surveys in the past to see why women buy certain fashion pieces or beauty products and were intrigued to see why certain women continue to buy clothes that may be fashionable but do not suit their personal style or that they hate. I was amazed to see how many women continue to spend money on fashionable items that are apparently on trend but that they dislike personally. 

“While it is understandable for women to want to keep up with the latest trends, it is not only expensive but a total waste of money to buy certain clothes that you don’t actually like. If you insist on purchasing items that you dislike, at least look for ways to save money on the items, such as sales or discount codes.”

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