When you think of Christmas Eve, words like ‘snuggly’, ‘cosy’, ‘relaxed’ and ‘family’ come to mind. If you are looking for some items that encapsulate these words, here are a few gifts ideas to fill your Christmas Eve Boxes with if you are catering for adults.

Christmas on Female First

Christmas on Female First

Pyjamas and socks: First post of call is to dress for the occasion and there’s nothing like waking up on Christmas morning in new nightwear. Everyone in the house can put on their new pjs and snuggle up together in front of the fire while you wait for Santa.

Drink: Whether the recipient of the box is a drinker or not, you can accommodate for both. You could put a can of their favourite pre-mixed drink in there along with a personalised glass for your special someone who likes a drop of booze. If the person you’re buying for doesn’t drink- a sachet of hot chocolate and a special mug is a great alternative.

Snacks: Think about who you are gifting the box to and what their favourite snacks are- you could put one of their most beloved nibbles in there or give them something more Christmassy like some gingerbread or a mince pie.

A game: Nothing too demanding as no one wants to stay up to finish a game and miss Santa- but something that is short and sweet to fill a few minutes with laughter and fun. Things like a treasure hunt, a quiz or Christmas Bingo will go down a treat. 

A Christmas movie: There is something nostalgic about watching a festive movie on Christmas eve- if it’s possible it makes you even more excited for the next morning.

A Christmas blanket: Depending on the size of your box, you could squeeze a blanket in there so each person has their own and is warm and comfortable on Christmas Eve, as you count down the hours until you can dive into your gifts.

A Christmas Candle: There is nothing that will get you all in the mood more than the smell of Christmas! A candle that smells like a tree, holly or cookies will be sure to help everyone settle into the evening perfectly.

Merry Chrsitmas to all the Christmas Eve Box givers! 

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