Horoscopes courtesy of www.spiritworker.co.uk

Your weekly horoscope

Your weekly horoscope

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo this week will be about overthinking. You are only trapped if you believe you are. Your financial situation will not last forever and if you stop giving money away then you would find more peace in your mind. The constant worry will not help you. Find ways to relax and switch your mind off. Things like exercise, time with friends, reading or learning or being in nature. All these tools can help you relax. Every stage in our life teaches and prepares us for the next part of our journey. What is life teaching you? Maybe you need to start asking question about you, the universe and your abilities.

Keywords- Positivity, Learning, Awakening, Signs, Self-pity, Blame, Brave

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Your balanced attitude could be challenged this week. Situations aren’t always what they seem and you have misjudged in the past. You can fix this by being honest about your feelings and stand your ground. Do not allow fear of losing something to jeopardize your core values. Things will work out in your favour but you need to be brave and stand up for what is right. Your view on something is very important and you will not know what impact you’ve made until you speak from your heart and strength.

Keywords- Understanding, Wisdom, Truth, Fear, Trust, Balance, Heart

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio this week is all about forgiveness. Apologizing can be difficult for you but before this situation goes away you will need to forgive yourself and forgive those around you. Life has been like a rollercoaster ride and you are exhausted. Relax and be grateful for what you have. Live for the future not the past and be the kind and loving person you have always been. Accept what life has given you and improve for your future. This week will be a big step forward and dreams will come true! Speak your truth with compassion, understanding and peace.

Keywords- Forgiveness, Balance, Compassion, Understanding, Apologizing, Emotions, Acceptance

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Your ability to see patterns has always kept you strong. This week will bring some new insights that will change the way you’ve felt for a very long time. You have very strong opinions and views and this will be challenged so that you can see the bigger picture and grow. Emotions that has left you unclear and unbalanced will now be shifted into a clear vision and understanding. Start building a better future and accept that you don’t need to carry all the pressure of the world on your shoulders. The possibilities are endless. Just allow yourself to see.

Keywords- Acceptance, Understanding, Positivity, Clarity, Honesty, Freedom

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Your ability to inspire others to be their best can be exhausting. You are not as trapped as you feel. You are very resourceful and this week will prove just that. Your ventures will take off as long as you keep focussed on the task at hand. You can overthink and create a storm in your mind, which will create feelings of anxiety and fear. Believe in yourself and have a balance. You don’t have to save the planet all by yourself. There are people around that you can trust and that will support you. Start noticing your true friendships and share your emotions and dreams with them. You will feel part of everything!

Keywords- Patience, Trust, Clarity, Worker, Ground, Meditation, Listen

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius your heart is hurting because of what you see around you! Don’t allow this energy to bring you down but allow it to strengthen and enlighten you. Your beautiful nurturing nature is a gift but also a curse. Your path this week is to show people with your loving nature how to make better choices. By doing this you will feel more positive and happy. People don’t know the facts and you can tell them in your kind way. This week you will grow and find positivity in the darkness. You are a warrior and you can get through this by speaking your truth.

Keywords- Warrior, Visionary, Humanitarian, Kindness, Compassion, Acceptance, Goals, Future

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces your ability is mastering your emotions you are able to reason your way out of any emotion. This can be very beneficial but it can also leave you feeling unloved. You are the master of your own mind. This week will ask of you to expand and see beyond what you have done before. Your clarity will return and you will be able to understand the full picture more clearly. The truth will set you free and this will give you the desire to understand on a deeper level. Growth is key this week. Curb your spending and learn to appreciate that other people are as capable as you are. Trust in the people around you more.

Keywords- Growth, Release, Relax, Truth, Clarity, Certainty, Seeker, Honesty, Peace

Aries (March 21 – April19)

Aries this week will be more about personal growth and understanding of the self. If you can manage to not create too many waves and just take a little more time to listen to the people around you then you should avoid misunderstandings and conflict.

If you keep focussing on the tasks at hand and a keep a calm and clear, head this week should be full of beautiful surprises and achievements. Trust in your power and remember your headstrong attitude can benefit you or cause you harm. Use this ability wisely and you could make anything happen.

Keywords- Listening, Patience, Vision, Focus, Positivity, Meditation

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Earthy Taurus, this week should be your ‘awakening week’! The importance of balance should be focus. Realizations will play an important role, something important will be revealed. Self- care should be key!

Learning to put everything into perspective will be the lesson towards the end of the week. Keep the bigger picture in mind while making decision and find the positives. You will have the power to create the outcome that you want. The power lies within your self. Curb the spending and find satisfaction within. Meditation or spiritual self- development would be a great help.

Keywords- Realization, Trust, Empowerment, Exploring, Spirit, Self, Forgiveness

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Insightful Gemini this week will be about staying grounded and in the moment. See both sides of every situation and be brave. Believe in yourself and your goals. Create the energy around you to give you strength and endurance, music, meditation, going inwards, all these tools will help you stay grounded and focussed. Do not get distracted and ‘fly’ off. Be present and do what has to be done, one task at a time. Your gift is being able to see both sides of any situation. Use this at all times to give you balance and assurance. Get yourself prepared for the next part of your journey.

Keywords- Believe, Goals, Rest, Calmness, Breathe, Grounded, Positivity, Honesty

Cancer (June21 – July 22)

Visionary Cancer this week will be about rising from your journey into your emotions. Understanding situations and clarity will guide you through some blocks that you’ve been struggling with. So many things will bring you back to you spirit. Reminding you of what you value and what is needed for you. Prioritizing your time for yourself will be important as you need to bring yourself back to your own space. No more giving of yourself until you have been charged. Some difficulty you’ve been struggling with is ending and the next part of this journey will be rewarding and positive.

Keywords- Balance, Beginning, Success, Spirituality, Energy Vampires, Healer

Leo (July23 – August 22)

Leo this week will be about learning responsibility. Time to grow and change the old habits and ways that don’t serve you anymore. It’s ok to embrace the new day arising have confidence in yourself. The realizations and understanding of things unclear before will bring you happiness if you only embrace them. Don’t allow your fiery and stubborn nature to stop you from having what you’ve always wanted. Do what you are afraid of and challenge yourself. This is a bright new start on an incredible journey if you just own your power. Believe in yourself!

Keywords- Acceptance, Realization, Honesty, Future, Forgiveness, Strength

About Adele 

Adele is a natural psychic medium and have been experiencing her spiritual path from the tender age of 4.  Her path is to help people accept their gift and show them ways to develop and become stronger in their ability. She’s a Reiki Master and she does various forms of healing.  Adele is also able to communicate with the Spirit world and are able to help people get in contact with their loved ones, Spirit guides and she’s able to remove toxic energy and curses.  She offers services relating hauntings, spirit removals, energy cleansing and spirit extractions. She offers workshops to help people embrace their ability and help them become able to spread their gift.  She’s compassionate and passionate about her path and always willing to help and support people that need spiritual guidance.