"I Gave The Car To A Man In The Pub"-

For many years, car tax dodgers the length and breadth of the UK would rely on the old ‘tax is in the post’ excuse as a way of avoiding taxing their vehicle.

However, with modern technology making it easier than ever for motorists to tax their vehicles, those caught without tax are being forced to become increasingly creative with their excuses. The excuses ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous, including mates who had taken the car for a test drive and not returned it and blaming the weather.

The top five silliest excuses offered by motorists during the last year are: 1.I gave the car to a man in the pub.
2.My mate took my car for a test drive a year ago, and hasn’t brought it back yet.
3.I did tick the box, but didn’t realise I had to actually send you the form.
4.The weather’s been nice so I haven’t needed to use it.
5.The letter advises me to ignore any correspondence.

The Agency’s award winning Electronic Vehicle Licensing (EVL) service, which allows motorists to renew tax discs or declare their vehicle off the road online or by telephone, has proved a huge hit with drivers. More than 21.5 million users have already used it. As the service continues to grow in popularity, it is seemingly becoming more and more difficult for motorists to evade taxing their vehicles.

I guess that means we have to get rid of the classic image of Delboy leaning over his van with the note ‘tax is in the post’.
