How To Cut Record Bank Holiday Motoring Costs

As families embark on an Easter getaway break, they may feel the pinch at the petrol stations with record high fuel prices.

According to the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) Trust the real fuel cost for a typical family break of 1,000 miles has risen by more than a third since 2003, in spite of today's cars squeezing around 5 per cent more miles out of every litre of fuel.

On top of this, common fuel waster can add a further 40% to your motoring costs.

However, help is at hand for the IAM has issued some advice for eliminating fuel wasters. So make sure you have the correct tyre pressure as even 5 psi can increase your fuel by 3%. Remove top boxes once you have reached your destination as they add on a hefty 20% of fuel consumption at 70 mph.

Turn off air conditioning when the outside temperature is below 18C and stick to the speed limits as driving say at 80 mph will not just get you a possible fine but uses up 15% more fuel as does aggressive driving techniques.

So before you end up hopping mad as you stop for another re-fuel, bear this in mind and have a lovely Easter.
