Cars are more difficult to steal than ever, aren’t they? Well, no, not if they are left unattended with the engine running!

The coldest days of winter are probably still to come, bringing a stark warning from a leading vehicle security company, about the risks of starting a car first thing in the morning, leaving it to warm up and defrost while finishing your coffee and cornflakes.

Well, yet again I am guilty as charged. The mere hint of frost on my car and 10 minutes before I am due to set off, I embrace the coldness, turn on the engine, whack up the heater, switch on both front and rear de-misters and hurry back to finish my coffee, knowing that when I re-enter the car, it will be nice and warn and frost free.

But in just a few seconds, the car can be driven away. The lesson is: don’t leave your car unattended. Leaving the engine running - even on your own drive - is an invitation to thieves.

OK, point taken. I’ll go and buy copious cans of de-icier. After all, the car manufacturers may not be too pleased if their press cars keep getting stolen from outside my house while I relish the last dregs of coffee.

Jackie Violet