Parents may moan over the pending school holiday but I love them as to me, it’s really quality time spent with them, no manic rushing around in the morning, screaming at them to ‘hurry up, do this do that’.

The holidays give us all a chance to get out and about enjoying the lovely spring sunshine - somewhere.

But there are parents who find these journeys stressful and in reality they should not. Ideally, it’s a chance to talk with the children, sing to the favourite CD’s or play games of observation to pass the time.

So a few tips to help you on the way like try and make sure small children are sitting high enough to see out of the window, keep the car well-ventilated with either open windrows or air conditioning on low, which will help keep the children more comfortable and less prone to car sickness. On that subject, avoid heavy meals before the journey and ban snacks in the car.

Show them on the map, the route that they can follow, and actually really enjoy as inevitably, it leads to other games. Finally allow plenty of time for stops, which not only helps the children but also gives you as parent the chance to re-charge your batteries.

Above all, enjoy the enforced time whilst cooped up in the car, to have quality time with your children.

Jackie Violet