The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

Alright so this weeks sees yet another comic book character hit the big screen... in the form of X-Men's Wolverine.

Hugh Jackman reprises the role of Logan for the fourth time, after the success of the X-Men trilogy, in the first of the spin off for the popular comic.

The film will delve further into Wolverine's murky and unknown past as he "discovers the world of mutants and, ultimately, the ominous Weapon X program, which turns people into living weapons.

Along the way, Wolverine encounters many mutants, both familiar and new, including surprise appearances by several legends of the X-Men universe.

So to celebrate the release of the film we took a look some of the highest grossing comic book movies at the global box office.

1. The Dark Knight - $1,001,921,825  

When The Dark Knight was re-released on the run up to the Oscars it broke through the $1 billion barrier to join the likes of Titanic, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest and The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King.

The Dark Knight was the movie of 2008 which saw a career defining turn from Heath Ledger resulting in a Bafta, Golden Globe, Screen Actors Guild and Oscar being award to him posthumously.

2. Spiderman 3 - $890,871,626

Released in 2007 Spider Man 3 was the last time that we saw this superhero, played by Tobey Maguire on the big screen.

The film had the second biggest opening day gross of nearly $60 million in the U.S. and went on to enjoy even more success at the international box office. A fourth movie in the franchise is currently in the pipeline.

3. Spiderman - $821,708,551  

The 2002 release of Spider man kicked off the big influx of superhero movies that have hit our cinema screens in recent years.

The $821 million gross that the global box office ensured that a sequel would be in the pipeline and this successful franchise was born.

4. Spiderman 2 - $783,766,341  

And the sequel came in 2004 as both Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst reprised their roles of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson.

Although it didn't do as well at the box office as the first movie it easily made back it's $200 million budget and was a massive hit.

5. Men In Black - $589,390,539 

Men in Black was released back in 1997, yes it really was twelve years ago, and was based on the Men in Black comic book series by Lowell Cunningham.

The film cemented Will Smith as a leading man and comic star, after the success of Bad Boys and Independence Day. The sequel ,though not as well met by the critics, did well at the box office and a third movie is rumoured to be in the pipeline.

6. Iron Man - $582,030,528 

Iron Man was one of the biggest theatrical releases of last year, which saw Robert Downey Jr tackle the blockbuster for the first time and it relaunched his career.

His primary character, weapons manufacturer Tony Stark, might have proved a bit of a metal-hearted rogue but once he’s learned the error of his ways and built himself an incredibly nifty super-suit.

The sequel is currently being filmed with Mickey Rourke, Scarlett Johansson and Sam Rockwell joining the cast.

7. X-Men: The Last Stand - $459,359,555 

The Last Stand was the final movie in the X-Men franchise, a franchise that enjoyed major success at the box office.

However it was a movie that was plagued with issues after Bryan Singer dropped out to direct Superman Returns and was replaced by Brett Ratner.

8. 300 - $456,068,181

After the success of Sin City it wasn't long before the adaptation of Frank Miller's graphic novel 300 soon hit screens.

Starring Gerard Butler and directed by Zack Snyder the movie was a fictionalised retelling of the Battle of Thermopylae mostly with a super-imposition chroma key technique to recreate the comic on the big screen.

300 broke the record for the biggest opening weekend in the month of March, which was previously held by Ice Age: The Meltdown, grossing over $70 million.

9. Batman - $411,348,924  

Despite development on a Batman movie starting back in the seventies it wasn't until 1989 that the DC Comic character made it to the big screen with Tim Burton in the director's chair.

Despite fans of the comic voicing their disapproval over the casting of Keaton the film grossed over $400 million at the worldwide box office, breaking the $100 million in just ten days.

The film was backed by the biggest marketing campaign in film history at the time, the film itself only costing $40 million to make. And Jack Nicholson's performance as the Joker became one of cinema's most iconic villains.

10. X2 - $407,711,549

After the huge, and somewhat unexpected success of X-Men in 2000 three years the Bryan Singer and co were back bigger and better than the original.

Met well by the critics X2 was a huge box office hit, grossing more than it's predecessor and securing the future of the X-Men franchise.

Wolverine is released 29th April

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