Where Do We Go Now?

Where Do We Go Now?

Hot off the success of indie favourites iLL Manors, Fire in Babylon and Anuvahood, Revolver Entertainment is set to release the critically acclaimed festival favourite  ‘Where Do We Go Now’, the second feature by talented actor-director Nadine Labaki.  

Winner of the Audience Award at the Toronto International Film Festival, ‘Where Do We Go Now?’  tells the heart-warming tale of a group of women determined to protect their isolated, mine-encircled community from the pervasive and divisive outside forces that threaten to destroy it from within. 

United by a common cause, the women's unwavering friendship transcends the religious fault lines which divide their society.  

At turns both comic and heart-wrenching, the women of the village are driven to hatch some inventive and often outlandish plans, in order to distract the menfolk and diffuse any signs of inter-religious tension. 

With a village that has lived harmoniously for centuries on the verge of religious war - and a landscape peppered with the constant threat of death surrounded by mines - do these old friends have what it takes to prevent each other becoming enemies, forever split by their faith?  

Labaki, who rose to fame with her debut feature ‘Caramel’, is committed to breaking down barriers and people’s perceptions of her home country.

She tackles age-old political and religious issues with an entirely fresh approach and an elegance  that belies her age, managing to speak to even the toughest of cynics with an emotionally engaging story, interlaced with humour and brought together with her touching and personal directorial style.  

Labaki comments: 'Using irony to deal with life’s misfortunes is a survival strategy, a way of finding the strength to bounce back. In any case, for me it’s a necessity. I wanted the film to be as much comedy as drama, so it would inspire as much laughter as emotion.'  

Justin Marciano of Revolver Entertainment adds: 'Nadine is an exceptional talent, and ‘Where Do We Go Now?’ successfully transcends a multitude of misconceptions and bigoted attitudes to make the audience question what is most important in life, without ever getting on a soapbox.

'It is a beautifully crafted piece of work, with great acting, camera work, music and of course direction.'  

The film, which was acquired by Revolver Entertainment for distribution in the UK and Ireland is slated for release on June 22nd, across selected Arthouse and World Cinema sites.