The Disney universe is without a doubt one of the most addictive and compelling places for movie watchers of all ages. Whether you’re a child or an adult, Disney classics and more modern day stories told by the company fascinate millions, raking in the big bucks in the box office and entertaining the masses. What many people don’t pick up on throughout all of these Disney movies however is that there are a number of Easter Eggs scattered within.

Disney on Female First

Disney on Female First

Whether you’re an avid fan or you’re new to the world of Disney, we reckon there are a few subtle Easter Eggs out there that you haven’t picked up on! Here, we’re running through 10 of our favourite – read on to find out which have made the list…

10) Making Music

Tarzan has one of the best soundtracks in Disney film history, but that’s not down to the movie’s cheekiest character, Terk! Finding a human camp in the middle of the jungle, the mini gorilla takes it upon herself to make some music, even banging the cups and teapot that are on the table. But, look who’s made an appearance! It’s Mrs. Potts and Chip from Beauty and the Beast – or at least a set from the same pottery collection! A beautiful nod to one of the most beloved Disney films of all time.

9) Automobile Superheroes

This one was only noticed by a few viewers when they first settled down to watch Cars, and it’s obvious to see how so many missed it. In one particular scene, we see a pair of our leading characters driving (of course) down a road, with a sign for a movie theatre on the side of the road. It’s advertising a film called The Incredimobiles, which is a play on the real-life Disney flick, The Incredibles.

8) He Didn’t Survive

When Zazu said “he’d make a very handsome throw rug” in reference to Scar in The Lion King, we didn’t imagine we’d ever see the day the lion was actually skinned and thrown into another Disney flick! Here, he makes an appearance in Hercules, where the titular hero is posing for a painting, wearing the villainous lion atop his head and down his back. Unfortunately for Scar, he’s given even less respect in death and is thrown to the ground when the pressure of being a star all gets a bit too much for hunky Herc.

7) Supporting His Friend

A Goofy Movie is one of the most underrated Disney flicks of all time. Though there are some people who would say the film should have never made it to release, it does have its supporters, and one of them is Goofy’s close friend and the mascot for The Walt Disney Company, Mickey Mouse himself!

6) Blowing Bubbles

The Great Mouse Detective is a lot of fun, but it’s a little unnerving to see Dumbo turned into a toy bubble blower in one particular scene in the movie! Hopefully, the elephant has made a big name for himself, rather than the actual Dumbo having a spell cast upon him and being turned into an ornamental piece!

5) Darkness Consumes

Jack Skellington turned into one of the nicest Disney heroes of all time during A Nightmare Before Christmas, but when he appears as a shadow cast by the villain in The Princess and The Frog, he looks like he could bring about the apocalypse if he tried hard enough! Fortunately, he’s not called upon to do too much damage, so his good reputation remains… for now!

4) Oliver’s Got New Company

One Hundred and One Dalmatians is a dog down during the events of Oliver & Company, as we see Pongo making his way through New York City! We’re not sure exactly what he’s doing there, but to see his goofy face and knowing he’s having such fun is all the reason we need!

3) Sitting On The Shelf

Stitch is utterly adorable, and those working on Treasure Planet had to have agreed, as the character found his way onto the shelf of one of the film’s family’s young children! Some have the theory that David from Lilo & Stitch is the father of Jim in Treasure Planet, but we’re not sure whether or not that would stand up!

2) Stony Faced

“Mr. Pig” from The Lion King, otherwise known as Pumbaa is without his sidekick Timon when he makes an appearance in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and he’s got rather a stony expression on his face! Though he’s not moving, it’s clear that there’s a nod to the fan-favourite character here. We just hope he’s not a part of the tower that crumbled during the final fight in the Disney classic!

1) Under The Sea

We’re not quite sure how Donald Duck and Goofy would have been able to breathe during their time under the sea in The Little Mermaid, but the pair found a way and made an appearance at King Triton’s concert! We hope they had a good time and made it to the surface alright!


What are some of your favourite Disney Easter Eggs? Let us know in the comments section below!

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