Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan is a Michael Bay fan according to director of photography Wally Pfister.

Pfister has worked with the Inception filmmaker since his breakthrough movie Memento back in 2000 and while he works closely with the director Pfister admits that he doesn't always agree in his taste in movies.

Speaking to Cinematical Pfister said: "There are the movies out there that he loves and I hate. I'm not a big Michael Bay fan. Chris loves Michael Bay's movies.

"And so I'm always like, 'Come on, dude!' But he sees something in it, and I don't see it."

"A lot of people don't realise what a great sense of humour Chris has because he seems so dry, and he seems so serious, and people are intimidated by him. But I get him.

"Not a week goes by on the movie set where I don't get him to laugh so hard he spits his tea out of his nose."

Pfister and Nolan reunited this summer for Inception, Nolan's first movie since The Dark Knight back in the summer of 2008. Inception has been a box office smash and has so far grossed in excess of $619 million worldwide.

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