Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan has revealed that he is looking at the Superman movies of the late seventies for inspiration on the latest instalment of the franchise.

Nolan is all set to produce the latest Superman movie and the director admits that it was the movies by Richard Donner that stuck with him when he was growing up.

Speaking to MTV the filmmaker said: "I was hugely struck by the Donner films in the '70s when I was a kid. In 1978 I saw 'Superman' and it had such an epic scope to it. It took on this incredible, iconic figure and gave that iconic figure an appropriate framing.

"It made quite an impression on me. It's definitely one of my childhood touchstones on what epic cinema can be."

Nolan will be returning to the director's chair for a third film, The Dark Knight was a monster critical and commercial success two years ago grossing over $1 billion at the global box office.

And while work on the movie is moving ahead Nolan claimed that casting for the movie was not on the agenda just yet.

"I haven't even thought about it, to be honest. All of these things, whether you're doing a 'Batman' or 'Superman' film, it's all about the story first.

"It's all about figuring out exactly the tone and the meaning of the story and how you're going to approach it. Casting comes later."

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