Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan

Chris Nolan has shed a little bit of light on his super secretive Batman project by revealing the title of the third film in the franchise - The Dark Knight Rises.
Nolan is refusing to give up more information about the plot or characters involved in the blockbuster - but he has told the Los Angeles Times not to expect one Batman villain.
He says, "It won't be the Riddler."
The media has been speculating about who will play the famous villain for months after insiders claimed The Riddler would be Batman's foe in the film.

Nolan already revealed that the movie will not be shot in 3D while Christian Bale and Michael Caine will return as Bruce Wayne and Alfred.

It is believed that Nolan is already looking for the female lead however it is not clear if she will be another love interest from Wayne or to potentially play Catwomen.

It's believed that Tom Hardy, who starred in Nolan's Inception this summer has already been cast in the movie.

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