Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan may still return for another Batman movie according to screenwriter David Goyer.

It was revealed yesterday that the filmmaker was going to leave the successful Batman franchise behind after being severely shaken by the death of Heath Ledger in 2008.

The actor, who passed away from an accidental overdose, took on the role of the Joker in the critically acclaimed The Dark Knight last summer.

But Goyer, who wrote the Batman Begins and The Dark Knight screenplays, has admitted that if the write story was presented to him he may take on a third movie.

Speaking to ING Goyer said: "Well, I believe he said if we can find the story that he's happy with, that he would return.

"And unfortunately, respecting Chris... You know, talk to him after he finishes Inception, which he's shooting right now. That just started shooting."

He went onto reveal that the pair had already talked storylines.

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