Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan believes that 3D technology hasn't progressed enough but is considering using the technique for the third batman movie.

Nolan has admitted in the past that he not a bit fan of the 3D trend but may still cave in to public demand and release Batman 3 in 3D 

Speaking to Contactmusic the filmmaker said: "Until we get rid of the glasses, or until we really massively improve the process, I'm a little wary of it.

"But we'll be looking at it, and if that's what audiences are demanding from blockbusters - and we're making blockbusters - then it's something we'll address.

"I'm taking a bit of a wait-and-see attitude towards 3D. It's come and gone many times over the years.

"I don't particularly enjoy watching films in 3D films because I think that a well-shot and well-projected film have a very three-dimensional quality to it. So I'm somewhat skeptical of the technology."

Nolan is set to return to the director's chair for a third movie in the Batman franchise, which would see Christian Bale reprise the central role.

There has been no other casting news but rumours have been flying round that it's The Riddler who will be making an appearance this time round with the likes of Eddie Murphy, Johnny Depp and Joseph Gordon Levitt all linked to the role.

The Dark Knight was the most successful movie of 2008 as it grossed over $1 billion at the global box office.

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