Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan has revealed that he wanted to challenge himself with his new movie Inception.

Nolan is back in the director's chair this week with his new project, two years after the billion dollar success of The Dark Knight.

And the filmmaker has revealed that he builds with every film that he makes and tries something new with every picture so not to repeat himself.

He Told MTV: "I've been very fortunate in my career in many ways, but very much in the way in which I've been able to build one film to the next.

"I started with the smallest-possible-scale film, 'Following,' which I made with friends on weekends - just us doing to it. To 'Memento,' which had a real budget and a real cast. I gradually built on that.

"What I've tried to do with every new film is to challenge myself. I don't want to do the same thing again. I don't want to do something I already know I can do. I want to try and do something that builds on what I've learned, that takes it someplace new."

Inception brings together an impressive cast of Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy and Michael Caine.

The director also admitted that Inception in the first of his movies that has disappointed him. "It's probably the first one that's at this stage of it that hasn't shrunk.

"Normally you get to a point where you've worked on it for so long, you've seen it so many times - sound mixing and putting visual effects in, editing over and over again - there's a point where it becomes something less than you thought it was.

"It becomes smaller - just geographically or physically. "I think 'Inception' resists that. Partly it's because the world of the human mind, the idea that you can kind of go anywhere in this story, means that its limitations are hard to get a hold of."

Inception is released 16th July.

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