Darren Aronofsky

Darren Aronofsky

Darren Aronofsky has explained why he walked away from Robocop.

The Wrestler filmmaker was all set to shoot a remake of the eighties movie Robocop for MGM but was forced to walk away from the project after the studio got into financial trouble.

And while he walked away from the movie he hasn't ruled out a return to it in the future.

Speaking to MTV the filmmaker said:  "The studio is in question, as everyone knows, with The Hobbit and all that stuff, and Black Swan was ready to go - it just became an easy decision."

"We'll see what happens with it down the line."

Rumours around his departure suggested that he did not agree with MGM's decision to shoot the movie in 3D but the director has dismissed this claiming that he would be happy to make a 3D movie if the right project came along.

"Scorsese's working in 3D [on The Invention of Hugo Cabret]. I am very curious what that's going to be. Like everyone, I thought Avatar was an incredible experience."

"There is a backlash at this point, and I think that's just because it's been overexposed, but that's just because people are rushing to bank in on it. There's no doubt that interesting things are going to be done in 3D."

Aronofsky's new movie Black Swan opened the Venice Film festival on Wednesday night and the movie, which stars Natalie Portman and Vincent Cassel, is already surrounded in Oscar whispers.

Black Swan is the first film for the director since The Wrestler.

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