James Marsters

James Marsters

James Marsters has described himself as the 'poor man's Jackie Chan'

The Buffy star can currently be seen starring in Dragonball Evolution. Based on The King Piccolo Saga Dragonball, also known as the Piccolo Daimaoh Saga - Demon Lord Piccolo Saga, is the penultimate saga from the anime Dragon Ball.

In an interview with Digital Spy the actor said: "During filming, the director had me do all these stunts every day and it wasn't until the very end of the picture that I realised he had never planned to give me a stuntman at all. He hired me because I'm the poor man's Jackie Chan!"

"I had already done a lot of stunts in TV and on stage so I couldn't understand why they were working me so hard. Then we got there and it's at a 1,700 ft elevation so I just passed out. I remember doing a side kick then being on the ground!"

James Marsters is best known for Spike in hit television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, first appearing in season two.

Away from Buffy he has worked in both film and TV with roles in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and British sci-fi show Torchwood. In his return to the big screen he takes on the role of the evil Lord Piccolo.

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