Marc Webb

Marc Webb

Marc Webb has admitted that he wanted to make a 'grounded' and 'natural' Spider Man movie.

Webb is in the director's chair for The Amazing Spider Man, which is a re-boot of the popular franchise, and he wanted to keep a sense of physical and emotional reality.

Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter the director said: "I was pretty cautious of trying to keep the pace as quick as possible and I wanted to do something more grounded emotionally.

"I wanted the actors to behave in a way that was more natural and that felt realistic and not stylised.

"And it's tricky to use the word 'grounded' when you have a nine-foot lizard running around the streets of New York, but we had a real person there interacting with Andrew to create some gravity and reality.

"So there was a philosophy that went beyond just the acting and the emotions, and that was keeping a level of physical reality and emotional reality."

The movie opened in the U.S. and the UK on Tuesday and is so far doing incredibly well at the box office.

The movie opened in the States with a Tuesday record as it took $35 million. The film also looks set to top the UK box office by the end of the weekend.

The Amazing Spider Man is out now.

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