The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises is set to be the biggest movie of 2012 and Warner seem to just want to excite us even further with a new teaser poster for the film.

By the time the movie hits the big screen it will be four years since we were blown away by The Dark Knight - and Christopher Nolan looks set to do it all again.

The poster pictures Bane, played by the fabulous Tom Hardy, crushing the mask of Batman, Christian Bale returning to the role for the third time.

Michael Caine, Gary Oldman and Morgan Freeman are also back but there are more new faces on the cast list in the form of Anne Hathaway, Joseph Gordon Levitt and Marion Cotillard.

The terrorist leader Bane arrives in Gotham City, and pushes its hero Batman to breaking point and beyond.

The Dark Knight Rises is released 20th July.

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