Jonathan Nolan

Jonathan Nolan

Jonathan Nolan has revealed that he is interested in moving behind the camera.

Nolan has made his name as a writer and producer in recent year but he is keen to move his career forward and tackle directing a TV project or a feature film.

Speaking to Collider he said: "I wanted to do a couple of things for awhile now.

"One was working on a TV show and the other was directing a feature. The thing about working on a TV show is that it becomes, very quickly, all consuming.

"But, the very next project for me, in addition to a couple of feature projects that are outstanding, that I’m still hoping to get across the finish line, as a writer, the very next thing I want to do, personally, is direct a feature.

Nolan will be back this summer as he has penned the script to The Dark Knight Rises, the third and final Batman movie to be directed by his brother Chris.


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