Emma Watson

Emma Watson

Emma Watson has revealed that she hates her character in new movie The Bling Ring.

The actress is back on the big screen later this year as she teams up with director Sofia Coppola.

The Bling Ring is based on true events and follows a group of teenagers who track celebrities in order to rob their homes - Lindsay Lohan and Orlando Bloom were just some of the victims.

And Watson says it was a challenge to play someone that you hate as this character represented everything that she is against.

Speaking to GQ the actress said; "When I read the script and I realised that essentially it was a meditation on fame and what it's become to our society, I had to do it.

"The character is everything that I felt strongly against - she's superficial, materialistic, vain, amoral. She's all of these things and I realised that I hated her. How do you play someone you hate?

"But I found it really interesting and it gave me a whole new insight into what my job, or my role as an actress, could be."

The Bling Ring is just one of the movies that we will be seeing Watson in this year as she is also set to play herself in comedy This Is The End.

She has also completed work on Noah, which is directed by Darren Aronofsky, and is released next year.

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