Harvey Weinstein

Harvey Weinstein

Harvey Weinstein says he is 'shocked' at the dispute surrounding The Butler.

The Weinstein Co have been told that they Lee Daniels directed film cannot be released with that title. Warner Bros bosses claim that they own the rights to that title because have a short film from 1916 with the same name.

Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter he said: "I am shocked at what happened on The Butler. It's amazing to me how a 1916 short called The Butler is knocking out a movie that deals with civil rights. I have no idea what's going on with that.

"They're not making another Butler. I don't know what they're doing or what their reason is."

"I think they'll see The Butler and they'll see Lee Daniels' great work and then I don't think they'll penalise the movie."

The Butler follows the real life story of Cecil Gaines, who served eight presidents as the White House's head butler. He was there to see racial and political history made.

Lee Daniels is back in the director's chair while Forest Whitaker, Alan Rickman, Robin Williams, James Marsden and John Cusack are just some of the actors on board.

Last week is was revealed that Daniels had written a letter to Warner Bros asking them to reconsider and allow his film to be released with the title The Butler.

The Butler is released in the U.S. 16th August. No UK date has yet been set.

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