Duncan James And Jay Kay Quit Music.... Former Blue singer Duncan James is quitting music to allow him more time to concentrate on his burgeoning career as a TV presenter in his native Britain.The 28-year-old was set to unleash his latest UK single in a few weeks, but has now cancelled the release.He says, "I've decided not to release the single Amazed because there's so many other exciting things going on at the moment."I just don't have any time to devote to music. There are some amazing offers coming in for TV presenting and theatre roles, so I want to focus on those."

Uninspired Jay Kay Quits Music - For Now
Jamiroquai frontman Jay Kay is quitting the music business after his recent split with his record company left him feeling uninspired and "bored".The Cosmic Girl singer was frustrated while working with Sony Bmg and has no idea what he wants to do next creatively now he's no longer signed to the label.He says, "I haven't been happy there for a while. I've had some ups and downs but in the end the downs were just too many. When we talked about me leaving, I jumped at the chance."I might be back if I get my inspiration again, but who knows. I don't know what to do next.

"I'm bored. I don't want to go back on the road. We all need a rest to be honest. I don't need the money or the deal."

Instead, the 37-year-old plans on settling down with his dream woman and rearing a family.

He adds, "All I'm going to do now is fly my helicopter and look for the right lady to have children with. I feel free and I want to find love.

"My guitarist has just had a baby girl and made me realise how much I want one. I'm not ready to tie the knot though, because I don't want to lose my house."

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