Michael Buble

Michael Buble

Michael Buble is clearly lacking a mature technique when it comes to communicating with the masses after throwing his toys out of the pram over accusations of miming during his X Factor performance.

Chatting to Scott Mills on Radio 1, Buble ranted, “"People, whoever you are, if you're writing on these blogs or whatever, if you think that I'm miming, you're an idiot. You're so used to being fed crap and you're so used to seeing people jam microphones in their faces because they're lip synching, that when you see somebody using actual mic technique and move a microphone away... it's crazy. I'm shocked. Did they not listen to me? I was flat! I sang flat! And I was out of breath. If I was going to lip synch, wouldn't I just do it to my recording?"

He then decided to add that it was okay to mime if you're dancing; "I have mimed for videos but never have I mimed for a live TV show. I think if you're dancing it's acceptable, but I wasn't dancing, so it wouldn't have been acceptable."

Do YOU reckon MB was miming this weekend?

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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