3 Doors Down - Time of My Life

3 Doors Down - Time of My Life

One of the States biggest alt-rock exports, 3 Doors Down are back with Time of My Life, the follow-up to 2008's self-titled album.

It cements the band's status as a great radio-rock act, whilst they don't break away from their proven formula too often.

That's not to say this is a bad album. Time of My Life manages to remain solid and exciting, and buying this is a must for any 3 Doors Down fan.

Songs like 'When You're Young' feel very similar to older tracks like 'Here Without You', although this was revealed as almost intentional in our interview with the band.

Despite the failure to truly break new ground, it's clear that 3 Doors Down don't have to.

This is a great record regardless, with songs like 'Round and Round' offering a big chorus with great production to make for a brilliant alt-rock track.

Sometimes, Time of My Life does feel a bit predictable and safe. 'Heaven', in particular, feels like something we've heard a hundred times before. It's executed well, but it's not an adventurous track by any means.

It's clear that 3 Doors Down do a couple of things very well. They can put out great hard rock (albeit radio friendly) tracks, full of energy and a catchy chorus, as is evident from the title track.

They have also mastered the art of the radio-rock ballad. Whilst this makes for some solid songs (such as 'She Is Love'), it does feel too familiar at times.

Time of My Life ends with a heavy, gritty, powerful, almost punk-rock track 'Believer'. It's a shame that this track concludes the album, as it could've been an exciting change of pace towards the middle of the album, to make it a bit less predictable.

The album shows that, whilst it's very safe, 3 Doors Down are great at what they do.

It's a bit disappointing that they seem to be relying on that, but they'll continue to do so if they can put out albums this solid and consistent.

Female First - Alistair McGeorge