Chris Brown – Take You Down

Chris Brown – Take You Down

You know those scenes in movies where the lights are dimmed, the candles are hastily lit, and a smooth romantic song is put on to “set the mood” – this is one of those songs.

Chris Brown may be trying the Barry White/ Marvin Gaye approach for size but it’s clear there’s something not quite right. Certainly, there is an element of seduction in his youthful voice, but the lyrics themselves are far from childish.

The fourth single off his Exclusive album, makes no attempt to hide the message waiting to be unravelled. One listen to these lyrics – So don’t stop girl, get it/ Quit playing with it / Can’t wait no more - and it’s crystal clear that this single is as sexually charged as a battery operated device.

Chris Brown fans will already have purchased Exclusive, the album it features on, and no doubt, a large number of screaming girls will have something more to fantasize about after hearing the track in full.

But for anyone else in the general public looking to invest £3 or so in a single, is unlikely to zone in on this particular track.

Rating - 3/5

By Karen Asbury